Sunday, November 14, 2010

Top Lazy Things to Do to Make Your Articles More Popular

It's not a secret that there are many simple ways to make your articles more popular even if you're too lazy to make your writing or titles better and eye-catching (not that I advice this). So let's make a simple list of these simple techniques.

Find Friends!

Yeah it's dead easy. You can get more views by adding a lot of friends (in your blog account, Triond account and so on). By adding more friends you will become more popular among the site community, and will get more views.

Comment Stuff

Once again doesn't require much time and effort. Simply view your friends' articles and comment them. Though be honest and do not add those annoying comments that say nothing about the article and are totally useless (like thanks for the share and all that other stuff that almost everybody uses these days). Believe me, you will get more views for this quite fast.

Use Twitter, Digg, Facebook, Stumble Upon...

The title says it all. Simply use these websites and repeat steps 1 and 2 on these websites. This is a truly simple but adds a lot of views to your articles rapidly.

Use Cheap Tricks

Once again I don't advice this, but if you are eager to get some extra views this technique is very effective. Need an example? Well one of the most famous cheap tricks is writing about celebrity deaths or sex tapes. By the way this is one of the most risky ways of getting views, because your friends on Triond, or your blog can simply loose respect for you.

Ask Other People to Read Your Stuff

If you are registered at any of the big freelance writing websites, you are probably annoyed by other members sending you messages asking to read their stuff. However, its quite effective, especially when members exchange links and read each others articles.

Pay Money to Get Your Stuff Advertised

If you have extra money you can do this, but I honestly think it's a bad idea. After all, most of the people write to earn some money, and I can personally say that many advertising programs are not that good.


As you might have already understood, I'm speaking ironically. It's clear that the best way to get more views is to write often, write good and never give up. However, some of the mentioned techniques come quite handy, especially for beginners. Still, you shouldn't use cheap tricks or any hacking programs to get more views because that's just not cool.

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