Have you ever asked yourself why other people are happier than you, richer than you or more successful than you? Have you ever asked yourself why life is so hard? Well, these are rather hard questions my friend. You can find thousands of answers to these questions, for instance destiny, luck or maybe even god’s will. However, the more important question is what you should do to make your life better and more successful.
Since we are talking about life, let’s find a nice definition for life. Once again, it’s a very hard, even a philosophical question. For now let’s leave this question for the real philosophers and let’s stick with a simple, yet elegant definition of life – a work of art. Why a work of art? You see, once a very wise man said that life is like a work of art, like a painting while we, humans are painters. We paint our own lives with emotions, which are like colors. Colors of joy, charm, sadness and thrill.
So if we are painters and can paint our own lives the way we want, how can we make our lives better? There is a variety of techniques how to change your life, be happy, successful in your job or business, and have a happy relationship. Don’t worry, all of these techniques are easier to master than you might think. After all, sometimes, to create a masterpiece, all that a painter needs is some creativity and will power.
Difference Between You and Them
Let’s look at the famous people from all around the world – millionaires, actors, athletes. Now let’s think for a moment about what is the difference between you, a simple person and them, successful and famous people. Talent you might say. Yes talent is important, but without hard work talent is nothing. How about luck? Luck is like a lottery, you can never depend on it, sometimes you win but million other times you loose. So what is that mysterious difference that makes all of the successful people better than you and your neighbor? The answer is quite simple – it’s their mindset. It’s the way they think. So how should you think to become successful?
Placebo Effect
Did you know that if you were to give a patient with a headache a simple pill let us say vitamins, and tell him that this will cure his headache, he would possibly get better? A positive belief to get better is able to cure many diseases. This is the so called Placebo Effect. This simple scientifically proven effect proves that our beliefs can have influence on our actions and physical conditions. The wonderful thing about this mysterious Placebo Effect is that it works not only in medicine. Many psychological surveys and experiments have shown that positive beliefs have influence on person’s success in any field of life. For instance, athletes, who strongly believed in their victory have been shown to reach better results that those, who were pessimistic. You might ask how is this possible and how it works. To be honest, I don’t know. All I know is that as long as you believe in your success, you can reach everything. Every single person on this planet sees world from a different angle. Some people see only the good side of life, other see only sadness and tragedies. However, only those people, who see the life as a sea of opportunities, will be very successful in their life. Only those painters, who look at a blank canvas and see their future masterpiece, can truly paint a masterpiece. Simply speaking, the first step to success is believing in your success. However, this is harder than it seems.
There are some simple exercises than can boost your confidence and help you believe in yourself. The simplest exercise is repeating to yourself that you can achieve success in your life. Sounds stupid? Well it’s crazy but it works. All you have to do is say to yourself loudly that you believe in yourself and you can reach all of your aims. A famous journalist and writer Napoleon Hill once wrote a book. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a good title for it. So he spent hundreds of hours looking for a good title. He used to repeat the titles out loud for himself. He repeated the titles so loud and so motivational that he finally came up with a title, which brought millions of dollars to him. Sure, his neighbors were not happy about all the sound, but it was still worth it. All you have to do to achieve success is to trick your subconscious into believing that you can succeed, - Napoleon Hill once said during his lecture about personal improvement.
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