Tuesday, April 27, 2010

100 Views on Triond

First Step

Well today is a very nice day, because I finally managed to reach 100 daily views of my articles. It's nothing extraordinary and, yes I know,  there are people who have 10 000 daily views. But it's still a great step further for me. And you know how they say - every great journey starts with the first step.

Tips to First Success

I bet you're wondering why the hell I'm saying this to you. And the answer is very simple. I know there are many people who are still struggling to get more views to their sites or articles, thus I would like to share my experience and tips. I sincerely hope these tips will help you.

Tip Nr. 1 - Be an Active Community Member

The most important tip, no matter what content you are sharing, is to communicate to the community. I am a member of Triond for about 2 - 3 months, and I can tell you from my experience, that being friendly with the community really boosted my content views. I spent my first month writing many articles and not communicating with other members of Triond at all. And as you can guess, 10 views were the best thing I could get. However, during the second and third month I was active - commented other articles, sent a lot of friend invitations, created a blog and chatted with the community members. And, I have to admit, I really started believing that 1000 views or even 10000 views are possible, because my content views were steadily increasing. So my tip to you is - be an active community member. It doesn't matter if you're writing a blog, or writing articles at Triond or Bukisa, it is a very important thing. A great idea is to write 3 comments daily, read 3 articles daily and find new 3 friends daily. You can find more similar tips at my article Rule 333 - How to Promote Your Articles, which you can find here (Link).

Tip Nr. 2 - Create Unique Content

My most popular article (Link) got me many views, because it was a relatively unique article. What I mean by that, is that you have to create unique content, because people appreciate that. So be sure to check Google, before submitting your content, to find out if it is unique enough to be interesting and refreshing. Believe me, your views will be increased rapidly.

Tip Nr. 3 - Smart Tags

In order to get more views, you need to write down suitable tags to attract more visitors. A best way to find out which tags are popular you can use a simple tool, which is very useful to me,- Google AdWords tool (Link).

Tip Nr. 4 - Never Give Up!

The is the most vital rule. If you want to succeed, just don't give up. I know that at the beginning, especially at freelance writing websites like Triond or Bukisa, it is very hard to keep writing. However, now after 3 months at Triond, I can say to you - things get better. So keep it up and good luck!

Triond Status update:
Current monthly earnings - 1.76$ ( yeah I know it's not much, but things are getting better every moth).
Current daily earnings - 6 - 10 cents ( not that bad, though my goal until the end of the summer is 1$ daily earnings).

Feel free to share your current earnings or overall experience.

1 comment:

  1. Triond is definitely a great site. Congrats for reaching your first 100 views.
